"Thank you for no longer holding an image of who you thought you would be..."
Written by Dear Black Woman “PurpleSky”
“Thank you for no longer holding an image of who you thought you would be and loving the person you have become…”
I Love you. I Love you as my Sister, my Friend, my Confidant.
I Trust you. I Trust your Thoughts, your Words, and your Dreams.
It took time, girl, years and dedication for you to find your place in this world and I am proud of you for never giving up. In spite of your confusion, in spite of your downfall, in spite of your insecurities, nothing held you back. You kept climbing that mountain in spite of your own fears, refusing to let it stop you from reaching a new level of confidence.
You are Strong. I am proud to have embraced your strength quite recently, thank you for introducing yourself to me. I remember one night you allowed me to wrap my arms around you. You stood there and exhaled, trusting me with your heart. You continue to show me your strength daily, creating someone that I am proud to know. I believe in your spirit and strength.
I want you to continue to create this beautiful person that is instilled in you. Please, never stop loving who you are because you are filled with peace, love, joy, and kindness. You tried to reclaim your past self for many years, refusing to accept that you HAVE changed and that's ok. It's alright. You don't have to have the same characteristics, it's ok to have changed your mind about things you once thought were concrete. You are growing.
You are evolving. I will let you evolve into the woman you were born to be, no pressure. You have encouraged yourself to live for the moment. Yes, you have had help along the way, thank you for trusting someone with your thoughts and fears. Thank you for trusting me with your heart.
Thank you for meditating. Thank you for not giving up on something you clearly didn't understand. Thank you for no longer holding an image of who you thought you would be and loving the person you have become, causing meditation to be more of a connection than a representation of who you want to be. I'm sorry for pressuring you to create perfection without being honest to you. Thank you for forgiveness. Thank you for making the attempt to reclaim your precious time. Thank you for taking baby steps to our greater goals. Thank you for changing your mind about life and the world around you. Thank you for not always being right about everything as well as being in the process of learning how to trust people. You have come very far.
Now listen, as long as you are living there is always something new to learn. Life is full of new experiences and that's ok. You aren't done growing or learning or exploring and that is fine, too. Continue to learn how to trust yourself. Continue to question yourself with the intention of being honest with who you are in this life. No matter what happens next I will do my best to always love you because you are worth loving. Continue to learn how to trust people by letting them know you, no need to hide. Let's not stop learning about ourselves or hinder anyone for embracing our persona. You are smart, intelligent, and persistent in your goals. It's alright that you have your little moments, thank you for not letting them stop you from moving forward. I'm proud that you are still growing, that you are still learning about yourself and the world around you, you don't have to ever stop. I love you.