“I want for you to know that you matter. Your feelings are valid, your…”
Written by A Dear Black Woman
“Take time to listen to your own voice that so often seems to be silenced by people you love.”
Hey love,
I want for you to know that you matter. Your feelings are valid, your thoughts are important, and your voice deserves to be heard. Your journey is yours and is perfect for you. Take time to listen to your own voice that so often seems to be silenced by people you love. Stop being afraid to appear inadequate. That is no way to live. You have to be you, unapologetically. And in order to do that you have to let go of everything that you think you are supposed to be and just BE. Do what feels right. Pray more, meditate more, be still much more. You will be guided. You will know what to do. And whatever that is, is right for you in that moment. You have to trust the process of becoming who you truly are and know that there are lessons in every experience. Start believing in yourself as much as you do everybody else. Start rooting for yourself. You are creative, you are talented, you are worthy.
You got this! I love you.