"You are not the darkness that has haunted you. You are light. It shines."
Written by Dear Black Woman Dominique
Dear Black Girl,
You who have spent so many years crying.
So many years trying.
Fighting to move.
On and forward.
Past the pain and trauma and hurt into your light.
“You are not the darkness that has haunted you. You are light. It shines. You Glow.”
You are not the darkness that has haunted you.
You are light.
It shines.
You Glow.
You have accomplished so much DESPITE so much.
You may not be at your final destination.
But you are right where you need to be.
Don’t obsess over the destination that you forget to be present in the journey.
You don’t celebrate YOU enough.
Today you do.
Today you will.
Love you.
Appreciate you.
Take care of you.