"You are about to hit your season of LEVELING UP. Point. Blank. Period."
Written by Dear Black Woman DCisero
Dear Radiant Woman,
You have been going THROUGH it! You have been enduring spiritual, mental, and emotional warfare for the past couple of months due to family + career troubles. In spite of it all, you made a vow each time to remain a genuine person and to continue to spread nothing but goodness. It has been confirmed that you are at the end of this season of growth and about to step into a season of nothing but VICTORIES.
Be STILL and KNOW that you have been strengthened + prepared for what’s to come. The career you have been dreaming about is on the way. I know it has seemed impossible and discouraging that you have not hit your stride yet, but it’s COMING. I know the world is not rooting for women of a deeper complexion. However, you walk in this God given sun kissed shell with confidence, tenacity, beauty, and grace to be an inspiration to others whom look just like you. Your life purpose is much bigger than you and I am ELATED that you run towards it and not away from it.
“You are about to hit your season of LEVELING UP. Point. Blank. Period. Be fearless. Stay prayed up. Remain radiant.”
You are built to last. You are built to withstand each life lesson to pass on wisdom to others. You are built brilliant and to inspire, so that the world each day is a better place because you decided to be who you are and spread love NO MATTER WHAT!
Remain GRATEFUL each day that life continues to get better because of the grace of God. You have the love of your life that you’re building a loving future with. You have your health, you are mentally sane, in physical shape (yes, the body you have right now with all those curves is EXACTLY what you need for this season), you are growing to love this complex natural hair journey (yes, there are times of insecurities, but you love to really see YOU), you have a wonderful support system, and you are protecting your peace RELENTLESSLY.
You are about to hit your season of LEVELING UP. Point. Blank. Period.
Be fearless. Stay prayed up. Remain radiant.
With So Much Love,