"All the mistakes you made in the past, are not seen as mistakes as long as..."
Written by Dear Black Woman Miesha
You are loved
You deserve love
All the mistakes you made in the past, are not seen as mistakes as long as you take them as lessons
You were made exactly how you are on purpose
Everything that everyone else sees as different or strange is just God making you uniquely
You are fearfully and wonderfully made
You have so much to contribute to this Earth
You are more powerful than you think
You are loved
You are more than enough
“You are loved. You deserve love. All the mistakes you made in the past, are not seen as mistakes as long as you take them as lessons.”
Don't worry about who doesn't see your value because you are MADE valuable
Don't wait on others validations because you were made validated
Don't let what others are saying about you
Shape how you see yourself
Don't let the lies of your mind overtake you and have you think you are less than
You messed up, move on and learn from it
Be better tomorrow than you were yesterday but don't let yesterday haunt you
Your title, your education, your relationship status, your bank account, your weight, your height are not what make you great
Your heart, your love, your character, your passion are what make you
Don't waste the talents that God has given you
You were also made to be a light in the Earth
To be a light you first have to let your internal light shine
You have to feed it, you have to give it fuel
Stop extinguishing it with the lies and tricks form the enemy of your mind
Fuel your light, then give your light away
A small candle can light a million candles that light up the whole world. What you have is not insignificant. It is powerful. First realize that you, just the way you are, is more than enough.