"Do the tender things because you deserve to not always have to feel so 'hard'."
Written by A Dear Black Woman
“Do the hard things when need be because they get you closer to the tender things you desire. Do the tender things because you deserve to not always have to feel so ‘hard’.”
Dear baby girl,
Know that you are beautiful, soft, strong, whole and blessed.
Do the hard things when need be because they get you closer to the tender things you desire. Do the tender things because you deserve to not always have to feel so “hard”.
I love you. I miss you when you’re speeding through life, so check in more- but I see you blazing a trail.
I can’t wait to toast to all the abundance you accept this year, I see you living and course-correcting as you go.
I see you thriving. I see you chilling, I see you laughing, I see you learning, I see you trying, I see you musing, I see you building, I see you dancing, I see you winning, I see you loving.
I see you.