"Being tired & needing rest doesn’t make you a bad person. People get tired."
Written by A Dear Black Woman
It’s okay to be tired.
I’m tired.
I’m like 😩😭🤕😵💀 tired
I’m tired AS FUCK!
Like, so tired I want to cry about it.
Like a little kid whining and stomping around the grocery store at 8pm type-tired.
I’m so damn tired I wanna punch someone. Lol
I just want the world to pause for 2 days so I can take a nap.
I’m so tired I want to cuss in every line of this letter, but I won’t lol.
Stop texting me. I’m tired.
Stop calling me. I’m tired.
I’d love to reply to my emails, but I’m TIRRRRRRRREEEDDDDDDDDDDDD!
I’m hungry hangry, but-I-don’t-know-I-want-to-eat-so-someone-figure-it-out-for-me-type-tired.
If my eyes were rappers, their hit track would be “My Bags Got Bags!”
Sometimes I don’t acknowledge when I’m tired because it’s much easier to say “I’m busy.” Sometimes I want to villanize myself for getting tired because it’s a sign of poor self-care but DAMMIT, you just out here trying to do your best. And you neglected a few nights of sleep and the result of that is being fucking tired.
Being tired and needing rest doesn’t make you a bad person.
People get tired.
You may not see it on TV but I promise you Beyoncé and Oprah get tired! Hell, every other interview Tiffany Haddish is talking about how tired she is. When you’re on your path to greatness, building all these great amazing things, you may sacrifice some sleep here and there. I don’t encourage or condone this as regular behavior, but it will happen sometimes and that’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up for it. Get things done with more balance OR if that’s not currently an option, take a break, recoup and get back to it. In an ideal world you’d be better at delegating but until you get to that point do what you can and forgive yourself for what you can’t.
And honestly, I didn’t feel like writing this letter. That’s how tired I am. Just the act of typing
feels like it’s draining my life force but also fueling me at the same time.
And while this letter is an act of love, it is not the most needed act write now.
So instead, I will affirm you in some dreams.
Because I can tell you need more rest than assurance.
You need more physical nourishment than emotional solace
You need (and deserve):
A fully body massage
A long hot bath
A huge yummy salad
A full glass of clear delicious water
A full body hug
A healthy snack
A warm cozy blanket
Lots and lots of silence and stillness
Your love language is not words of affirmation. While I appreciate you and would normally take more time to tell you how awesome and worthy and lovely you are, I’d rather show you.
So, I’m hopping off of this computer and back into bed.
Rest well you beautiful soul. This too shall pass.
You 😴
“Sometimes I don’t acknowledge when I’m tired because it’s much easier to say ‘I’m busy.’ Sometimes I want to villanize myself for getting tired because it’s a sign of poor self-care but DAMMIT, you just out here trying to do your best... Being tired and needing rest doesn’t make you a bad person. People get tired. ”