"Hold onto your certainty of your worth. Let it guide you."
Written by Dear Black Woman Bree
Let It Go.
While so much easier said than done, still necessary.
“Hold onto your certainty of your worth. Let it guide you. Guide you to prosperity, happiness, self-love, confidence, resiliency. For the journey you have walked is not in vain.”
Only you and God know the journey you have walked, the growth you have pushed upon yourself for well-being, the words you did not speak knowing your breath would be wasted, the relationships ended because you were not cherished.
Hold onto your certainty of your worth. Let it guide you. Guide you to prosperity, happiness, self-love, confidence, resiliency. For the journey you have walked is not in vain. Let the negative memories go, hold on to the lesson, the joy in knowing no one can ever mimic your light, knowing your light is sought after, craved and wanted more than anything.
Let go. Shine bright. Walk with strength tattooed on your chest like the Wonder Woman you are. Never forget you are a Wonder Upon This World, woman.