“The world sometimes overlooks or dismisses you fabulousity, yet…”
Written by Dear Black Woman “Sista Gurl”
Sista Gurl,
You are loved! You are an amazing, beautiful, Black Queen. You continue to grow into an awesome butterfly. If I could go back to whisper in your twelve year old awkward life as you faced unpleasant childhood traumas, I would say,
“The world sometimes overlooks or dismisses you fabulousity, yet the creator made you who you ‘be’. Your weight, your hair, you skin tone all are a reflection of their glorious wonder…”
“Baby gurl, time stands still for no one; minutes, hours, days and years will not stand still. You will travel many unfathomable roads, meet great people and will do unbelievable things. The twists and turn will only make you stronger, wiser, and even more brilliant. The world sometimes overlooks or dismisses you fabulousity, yet the creator made you who you ‘be’. Your weight, your hair, you skin tone all are a reflection of their glorious wonder just like the moon, waterfalls, rainbows and the African Continent in which all were created.”
You are the champion of your family legacy. As a single woman, you raised three outstanding young adults, acquired not just a bachelor’s degree but also a master’s as a first generation individual. Your mother taught you well. Keep your head up, keep shining, and keep making your ancestors proud!