"Every scar, tear and emotional attack endured has crafted you into the..."
Written by Dear Black Woman Phaedra
I want to admit something to you. When I am at my worst, I doubt who I am. I doubt that I am valuable and worthy of the grace and mercy that I have received. The truth is I am my hardest critic and while I am bathed in divinity daily I have to remind myself that I am quintessential above all things. This letter is my affirmation and reminder to you that you are:
Created to be loved
Capable of love
At this very moment the best version of yourself that you have ever been.
Darling, you are altogether beautiful there is no flaw in you. Every scar, tear and emotional attack endured has crafted you into the true embodiment of perfection that you are today.
“Darling, you are altogether beautiful there is no flaw in you. Every scar, tear and emotional attack endured has crafted you into the true embodiment of perfection that you are today.”
You are clothed with strength and dignity, and the moments that bring you doubt and pain will be moments that you laugh about in the days to come. When you speak, those before you hear wisdom and kindness, so remember to be as kind to yourself as you are to those who come to you in need.
You are chosen, royal and special. Proclaim that you are these things, when you wake in the morning let the world hear your declaration of these truths. You are worth more than rubies and therefore let nothing move you. Believe in your ability to be who you are called to be.