"You, dearest one, are that butterfly. You are in your chrysalis..."
Written by Dear Black Woman Janelle Naomi Rouse
Peace and Light Powerful Being,
Thank you for taking the time to speak to you in this form. I know that all to often you take time to speak life into and give energy for other reasons and causes, but this time is sacred and is for you. Thank you.
I am writing to remind you of what the caterpillar meditates while inside the chrysalis. Two weeks of inside of itself, with the only light coming from within itself, silencing itself, it thinks. It meditates on flying even though it has never even had wings. It imagines drinking nectar from the finest of flora and soaring over meadows full of flowers begging it to visit them. It foresees the blue skies and infinite possibilities.
The caterpillar allows the shift to occur, trusting fully in the laws of nature, which are consistent and unyielding. When the time is right, it pushes its way out. It always knows when the time is right because the butterfly feels it and it goes with what feels right. The butterfly must push its way out because if the chrysalis is cut open to let the butterfly out, it will never fly. Its wings will be too weak. Once out and about, the butterfly leaves the chrysalis and never returns. It knows who and what it is: a new creature with unlimited potential.
“You, dearest one, are that butterfly. You are in your chrysalis, you are thinking your way to a dynamic and infinitely powerful new reality. Still yourself and focus on the light coming from within.”
You, dearest one, are that butterfly. You are in your chrysalis, you are thinking your way to a dynamic and infinitely powerful new reality. Still yourself and focus on the light coming from within. Silence the outside noise and the mental chatter. Think. Think well. Meditate on flying even though you don’t have wings, yet. Meditate on being The Most High version of yourself even though you aren’t that version of yourself, yet. Imagine grasping at the finest of opportunities and powerful prospects begging you to cultivate them. Foresee blue skies and infinite possibilities.
Allow the shift to occur, trusting fully in the laws of nature, which are consistent and unyielding. When the time is right, push your way out. You always know when the time is right because you feel it and your Spirit goes with what feels right. You must push your way out because you are the one you are waiting for. If there is no pressure there is no diamond, and you are a prized jewel in The Crown of The Most High version of you. Once out and about, leave the old you in the past and never returns. You know who and what you are: a new creature with unlimited potential.
One final note to remember, the butterfly remembers who it was. The caterpillar is not foreign to the butterfly. Experts say Monarch Butterflies can remember a path of migration to places that existed millennia ago. They master the long and difficult journey and pass their knowledge to their youth. Remember to pass on the lessons you learned, not just the things you never had, to the next generation. And above all, remember to love.
With Much Gratitude and Deep Adoration,
Janelle Naomi Rouse