"I am all of the women before me. My heart continues to beat their songs."
Written by Dear Black Woman Gail
I am more than this moment
I am my grandmother taking her abusive husband’s
check and catching a train from Louisiana to California
I am my mother’s patience as the doctors turned me around from my breach
I am my ancestors secretly calling into the night to spread the word of the
next location along the railroad
I am the black pregnant woman who asks the questions and pushes back when
the doctor tells her to trust him
“I am all of the women before me. My heart continues to beat their songs. Their blood runs through me. I am so much more than this moment.”
I am the young chocolate girl who resisted every utterance of “you’re beautiful for a
black girl.”
I am the joy found in the choir of black women… heads back, mouths open… unafraid
and unapologetic.
I am the grace found in eyes of my ancestors who are waiting patiently to pass me the
I am the love of my mother as she set the intention to make sure that my life was better
than her own.
I am the strength of my grandmother who raised 7 children and began her story anew.
I am
all of the women before me
my heart continues to beat their songs
their blood runs through me
I am so much more than this moment