"It is not your job to reassure others of their magic, especially by dimming your own."
Written by Dear Black Woman Abisola Shonde
Dear Abi,
I know right now things seem murky, you are not usually good with the unclear. You have lived life under so many different sets of rules, crushing yourself under everyone’s expectations, but now you have the chance you need, to make your own standards and hold yourself to the measure of Love. You deserve to live the life of your wildest dreams. The only piece missing from the puzzle is you.
You have always lived life independently, being your biggest critic and also cheerleader. You did for yourself what your parents did not have the growth or emotional capacity to do. As you grew you decided the best survival technique was to be smaller, less loud, less vibrant, take up less space; do not offend. You are not meant to live in cages or confine our light to make others feel comfortable. It is not your job to reassure others of their magic, especially by dimming your own. Shine, my love! Show every gift, passion, quirk, glitter, and flaw; this is all a part of your essence and you owe it to Source, Your ancestors, and yourself to be unapologetic in this skin.
“As you grew you decided the best survival technique was to be smaller, less loud, less vibrant, take up less space; do not offend. You are not meant to live in cages or confine our light to make others feel comfortable. It is not your job to reassure others of their magic, especially by dimming your own.”
As you get to know yourself again, and reassess your life and goals for the 65783 time, understand that this is a part of the process the matriarchs of your family didn't tell you. Enjoy living, this is how it is supposed to be constantly growing and expanding. As you evolve, and stretch yourself there are a few things you should learn:
Seek your highest self for answers, always honor your truth - because your family don’t got it
Your dreams are not crazy because they are YOURS, and they were placed in your heart for a reason
You can have EVERYTHING you need, to get all you desire- #majorkeyalert
Be proud of yourself for being here in this moment, for surviving. For making your place your home, for understanding your worth, for leaving toxic relationships. Congratulations for being pure in spirit and intentions for showing people the love that sometimes you don't even have for yourself.
I know you don't hear it often, but I LOVE YOU. From the top of your coarse curly hair to the weird pink toes of your feet. You have everything you need in this life to be everything you want to be. Continue to grow in Love. Continue to grow in Light. Continue to grow bolder more brazen. Continue to grow in healing. Continue to transcend, and to expand. Step into you power, and put your crown on.
From this day forward we commit to turning our magic, to living with love and light. And spreading that light everywhere we go. Be a Queen in every sense, it is time.
With Love,